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Cheap Auto Insurance in Bozeman, MT

Are you looking for inexpensive auto insurance in Bozeman, Montana? From, you could find the lowest cost insurance premiums locally. To acquire free car insurance estimates from the best providers now, provide your zipcode in the quote box in this posting.

cheap car insurance bozeman montana

Bozeman, MT falls along what was once the Bozeman Trail, a road towards western US settlement founded by John M. Bozeman in the mid-19th century. In the early 21st century Bozeman received the “All American City” award from the National Civic League. Current and potential college students might know Bozeman as the home of Montana State University – Bozeman. Interested in finding out more about Bozeman? Click here!

  • Fun fact: Did you know that Bozeman was once known as the “Valley of Flowers” by the Native Americans?

Coverage Requirements - Auto Insurance in Bozeman Montana

Driving legally in Bozeman requires:

Coverage Requirements Most Common
Liability Bodily Injury 30,000/55,000 100,000/300,000
Liability Property Damage 10,000 50,000
Bodily Injury - Motorist Uninsured Not required 30,000/55,000
Medical Payments Not required 5,000
Collision Not required 500 deductible
Comprehensive Not required 250 deductible

Compared to other states, the bare minimum requirement for legal driving status in Montana is fairly small. However, purchasing bare minimum coverage only protects you in certain situations, and even then you may still be held financially liable for what your provider won’t pay out.

Astoundingly, average monthly premiums in Montana can run as high as $168 for most drivers. But living in Bozeman comes with certain advantages – and one of those advantages is that drivers in your area could lower their monthly premiums down to $28/mo* or less!

Average Monthly Auto Insurance Premiums Legend: Bozeman National Farmers Union Nationwide Cal Casualty Allstate Allied 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 $17 $21 $23 $39 $40


There are certain car insurance providers in Montana (namely Nationwide, National Farmers Bureau, and Cal Casualty) who are trying to attract business by offering some of the lowest rates in Bozeman. But remember, low rates aren’t everything when it comes to insurance. Customer service and claims are important elements, too.

Insurance providers contemplate numerous elements when establishing insurance rates, among them driving experience, geography, occupation, years of driving experience, and multiple cars and drivers. Also keep in mind that premiums can vary from company to company. To find out if you are still forking out the cheapest cost, evaluate price quotes over the internet.

Most Car Insurance Facts to know in Bozeman MT

There are many ways that your car insurance rate may be determined. But not all of it is out of your control; there are things you can do in order to impact which discounts you are entitled to obtain. Listed here are a few of these components in greater detail:

  • Your Zip Code

Your car insurance rates could vary based on the spot where you call home. In general, highly populated urban centers have higher car insurance rates as the extra number of car owners on the highway raises the chance of a collision! The population of Bozeman is 39,860 and the normal household earnings are $49,661.

Auto Insurance by Zip Code Legend: Great Falls Missoula Butte Billings Bozeman National Farmers Union Nationwide Cal Casualty Allstate Allied 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 $20 $19 $21 $20 $17 $28 $26 $27 $26 $21 $28 $27 $27 $28 $23 $44 $42 $37 $41 $39 $48 $41 $48 $43 $40


  • Automobile Accidents

Thankfully, Deadly accidents in Bozeman are quite low, especially when compared with other areas of the state. This means that you might already be getting a more favorable monthly premium, just for living where you live. Providers often charge less for motorists who live in towns with safe roads.

Deadly Accidents in Bozeman, MT Legend: Bozeman Deadly accident count Vehicles involved in Deadly crashes Deadly crashes involving drunk persons Deadlyities Persons involved in Deadly crashes Pedestrians involved in Deadly accidents 1 2 1 1 1 2


  • Car Thieving in Bozeman

Residing in a big urban center (Chiefly any having a high rate of crime) increases your probability of being a victim of auto theft. In cases where your regular locale has higher rates of claims for theft, you are likely to spend more for auto insurance to counteract these prices. The full number of stolen vehicles in Bozeman dropped to 52 during 2013. Since auto theft rates are so low in Bozeman, you might be able to save money each month by altering your Comprehensive deductible.

Basic vs. Comprehensive Autp Policy Legend: Basic Coverage Comprehensive Coverage National Farmers Union Nationwide Cal Casualty Allstate Allied 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 $17 $120 $21 $83 $23 $121 $39 $115 $40 $96


  • Your Credit Score

On average, drivers who have poor credit are forking out about twice as much as someone with an excellent credit score. Some companies are more forgiving than others, however, and it may be worth shopping around if your credit is less than perfect.

Auto Insurance by Credit Score Legend: Excellent Credit Poor Credit National Farmers Union Nationwide Cal Casualty Allstate Allied 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 $14 $27 $17 $40 $19 $43 $32 $64 $35 $62


  • Your Age

Older drivers are less likely to get into an accident due to their extensive driving experience, and are charged lower rates as a result. Younger drivers, especially teenagers, are a different story. You might be able to qualify for a Good Student or driving class discount, but your rates will still likely be high.

Auto Policy Age Comparison Legend: 34 Year Old Male 17 Year Old National Farmers Union Nationwide Cal Casualty Allstate Allied 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 $17 Do Not Sell $21 $59 $23 $70 $39 $126 $40 $99


  • Your Driving Record

Having a clean driving record can get you some significant discounts on your auto policy. Regrettably, for most drivers, avoiding the occasional speeding ticket or minor accident is easier said than done. That’s why competitive companies are offering Accident Forgiveness discounts to attract more business.

Driving Violations Legend: Perfect Record Minor Speeding Ticket DUI/Reckless Driving Major At-Fault Accident National Farmers Union Nationwide Cal Casualty Allstate Allied 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 $17 $23 $31 $27 $21 $23 $23 $25 $23 $26 $53 $29 $39 $44 $53 $55 $40 $45 $70 $55


  • Your Vehicle

The expense associated with insuring a luxury vehicle has more to do with the amount of insurance you buy, rather than the vehicle itself. After all, you’re not going to cover a Ferrari or a Porsche with state minimum Liability coverage. You’re going to purchase many different coverage options, and in sufficiently high amounts to cover the cost of your vehicle.

Car Insurance by Make/Model Legend: 2017 Honda Accord 2012 Porsche Boxster Spyder National Farmers Union Nationwide Cal Casualty Allstate Allied 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 $17 $145 $21 $108 $23 $145 $39 $159 $40 $98


Minor Car Insurance elements in Bozeman

Don’t overlook these other important elements, though:

  • Your Marital Status

Married couples are in the best position to take advantage of the huge bundling discounts which insurance companies like to offer. And bundling your auto policies is just the beginning. You can also bundle your renters or homeowners insurance if your provider offers such policies, too.

  • Your Gender

In general, most insurance providers won’t charge drastically different premiums based on gender alone. Some companies still do, but the difference is little more than a few dollars per month. And whether this penalizes male or female drivers will change based on the company giving you the quote.

  • Your Driving Distance to Work

While the average commute time in Bozeman will last about 10-18 minutes, while most trips hover around the 12-14 minute range. The majority of drivers will use their own vehicle in order to get around (68%), while an additional 8-12% will likely carpool. Some (8%) even like to walk.

Vehicles insured for business or professional reasons typically cost around 11% more than the average car or truck in monthly premiums. Other similar elements, such as yearly mileage or driving to work/school, generally only raise or lower your monthly payment by a few percentage points.

  • Your Coverage and Deductibles

Your deductible is the small fee you have to pay before your insurance provider will pay out on Collision or Comprehensive claims. But you have the option to raise your deductible, which can lead to lower monthly payments.

  • Education in Bozeman, MT

With 34% of residents owning a bachelor’s degree, it is safe to say that Bozeman is a highly educated area. Additionally, 21% of residents have 1 year or more of college. If you fall into this category, you can use your education for more than just better career possibilities, or to negotiate a higher salary; you can also get cheaper rates for auto insurance than drivers with less than a college education.

The focal point of higher education in Bozeman, Montana is obviously the campus of MSU-Bozeman. Educating nearly 15,000 students each year, this public university offers students a choice of 51 Bachelor’s degrees, over 40 master’s degrees, and nearly 20 different doctoral programs.

Regrettably for most insurance providers, a super easy search on the internet could uncover so many of their business techniques. But even using the right information, it may still be challenging for you as an individual to determine your risk user profile and find affordable insurance. Make sure you perform your own due diligence before you commit to your subsequent auto insurance policy.

How We Conducted Our Car Insurance Analysis


Montana Commissioner of Securities and Insurance

Montana Division of Banking and Financial Institutions

Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

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