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In the market for cheap auto insurance in Watertown, SD? From, you could get the lowest priced insurance policy locally. To acquire free car insurance estimates from the leading providers right now, enter your zip code into the quote box here.

Watertown’s early history, like many Midwestern towns, can be attributed to its essential role as a transportation hub for the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. Today, however, Watertown has a bustling economy with a diverse base of manufacturing jobs. Local residents also enjoy the Bramble Park Zoo, the Redlin Art Center, and the Codington County Heritage Museum.

  • Fun fact: the local newspaper is known as the Watertown Public Opinionand is published 6 days a week! Learn more about Watertown by clicking here.

Coverage Requirements - Auto Insurance in South Dakota

Driving legally in Watertown requires:

Coverage Requirements Most Common
Liability Bodily Injury 30,000/55,000 100,000/300,000
Liability Property Damage 25,000 50,000
Bodily Injury - Motorist Uninsured Not required 100,000/300,000
Medical Payments Not required 5,000
Collision Not required 500 deductible
Comprehensive Not required 250 deductible

Just remember, though, that not all vehicles can be adequately covered by Liability coverage alone. This means that if you get into an accident which was someone else’s fault, if your vehicle was stolen, or if severe weather caused damage, you might have to pay for repairs or a new vehicle all on your own.

If you act now, you can take advantage of great deals which can lower your total monthly insurance payment down to $23* or less! That’s a huge deal, compared to the fact that the average motorist in Watertown is forking out upwards of $130/month or more just to maintain coverage.

Average Monthly Auto Insurance Premiums Legend: Watertown Nationwide Buckeye Unitrin Farmers Allstate 5 10 15 20 25 30 $17 $19 $26 $21 $33


You can get some great rates right now from providers such as Farmers, Nationwide, or Buckeye if you live in the Watertown area. However, take some time to think about your decision before you decide to switch. After all, not all insurance providers offer the same level of customer and claims service.

Companies that underwrite auto insurance coverage in South Dakota consider numerous variables while figuring out insurance quotes, especially driving experience, accident claims, occupation, miles driven each year, and multiple cars and drivers. Also, premiums could alter from between companies. To make sure that you are still forking out the lowest-cost price, evaluate cheap Watertown auto insurance premiums via the internet.

Most Auto Insurance Facts to know in Watertown

There are numerous ways that your car insurance rate can be calculated. But not all of it is out of your control; there are actions you can take to be able to control which discounts you are eligible to get. Listed here are a few of these elements in greater detail:

  • Your Zip Code

Budget friendly auto insurance is usually found in urban centers having a smaller population density. Since there are less cars on the highway, you will find a lot fewer possibilities to get into a significant crash with a different motorist. The population of Watertown is actually 21,995 and also the general household earnings are $44,130.

Auto Insurance by Zip Code Legend: Aberdeen Brookings Watertown Rapid City Sioux Falls Nationwide Buckeye Unitrin Farmers Allstate 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 $18 $18 $17 $19 $25 $19 $19 $19 $19 $19 $25 $25 $26 $30 $32 $26 $23 $21 $28 $34 $36 $35 $33 $38 $35


  • Automobile Accidents

The number of significant accidents in Watertown is very low, which is what you might expect from such a small town. What you might not expect, however, is for local insurance companies to automatically start offering lower rates based on this statistic alone – but it’s true!

Deadly Accidents in Watertown, SD Legend: Watertown Deadly accident count Vehicles involved in Deadly crashes Deadly crashes involving drunk persons Deadlyities Persons involved in Deadly crashes Pedestrians involved in Deadly accidents 1 2 1 2 1 2


  • Car Thieving in Watertown

All insurance agencies are worried about auto theft; this is especially true for individuals who reside in sizeable areas. The higher the number of people, the greater the probability that you will have to submit an automobile burglary claim. The most recent 2013 statistics show that the average rate of stolen vehicles has dropped down to 30 per year in Watertown. This means that you might be able to save a bundle on Comprehensive coverage.

Basic vs. Comprehensive Auto Policy Legend: Basic Coverage Comprehensive Coverage Nationwide Buckeye Unitrin Farmers Allstate 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 $17 $66 $19 $111 $26 $88 $21 $91 $33 $111


  • Your Credit Score

In some states, the difference between your payment with a perfect credit score versus a poor credit score can be enough to launch your payment into the triple digits. Thankfully, providers in South Dakota are slightly more lenient. Unitrin, for example, doesn’t change their monthly rate based on credit at all (although such providers are very rare).

Auto Insurance by Credit Score Legend: Excellent Credit Poor Credit Nationwide Buckeye Unitrin Farmers Allstate 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 $14 $32 $18 $29 $26 $26 $19 $28 $29 $41


  • Your Age

With age comes experience, and with experience comes a drastic drop in the likelihood of a significant accident. Since Teenage motorists are so much more likely to cause such accidents, it explains why teenagers might pay a 430% rate hike (or higher) for their policy. But if you make good grates and take driving classes, it can help lessen the stress.

Auto Policy Age Comparison Legend: 34 Year Old 17 Year Old Nationwide Buckeye Unitrin Farmers Allstate 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 $17 $73 $19 $73 $26 $78 $21 $54 $33 $167


  • Your Driving Record

Along with many other elements, your insurance company will use your past driving history to determine how likely you are to get into an accident, and will adjust the rate accordingly to shield them from potential financial risk. But if you find a provider willing to offer Accident Forgiveness discounts, this could help lower your payments.

Driving Violations Legend: Perfect Record Minor Speeding Ticket DUI/Reckless Driving Major At-Fault Accident Nationwide Buckeye Unitrin Farmers Allstate 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 $17 $19 $19 $21 $19 Do Not Sell Do Not Sell Do Not Sell $26 $34 $81 $44 $21 $22 $46 $28 $33 $35 $47 $43


  • Your Vehicle

Insuring a luxury vehicle requires purchasing more types of coverage, and also purchasing those coverages in much higher dollar amounts, than you would for a regular sedan or an old pickup truck. In some circumstances, such as leasing a vehicle, you may be required by law to cover your luxury vehicle with an expensive, “Cadillac” plan.

Car Insurance by Make/Model Legend: 2017 Honda Accord 2012 Porsche Boxster Spyder Nationwide Buckeye Unitrin Farmers Allstate 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 165 $17 $87 $19 $122 $26 Do Not Sell $21 $96 $33 $167


Minor Car Insurance elements in Watertown

Below are some elements which are less influential, but still worth mentioning:

  • Your Marital Status

If you and your spouse are on separate Automobile insurance plans, now might be the time to reconsider that option. Insurance companies love rewarding customers who bundle their plans. This can extend into other forms of insurance, such as motorcycle or RV insurance, too.

  • Your Gender

Here’s another fun fact: many of the insurance companies we’ve profiled aren’t actually charging different rates based on gender anymore. And of those that still do, one company may charge more for men while the next agency down the street will charge women more. Be sure to contact your agent if you’re concerned with such gender discrimination raising your rates.

  • Your Driving Distance to Work

Generally, most drivers in Watertown won’t be spending longer than 12-17 minutes behind the wheel while commuting around the city, although some trips may be much shorter. More than 91% of locals will use their own car or truck to get around solo, while between 5-11%% will be carpooling.

Your reason for driving, as well as your yearly mileage, usually only change your monthly premium by a few percentage points. That is, unless your vehicle is covered as a business vehicle – doing so could increase your rate by 11% or more.

  • Your Coverage and Deductibles

Raising your deductible is a quick and simple method for lowering your monthly payments. However, if something bad happens and you find yourself filing a claim, the expensive stress of a high deductible may make it confusing to get back on the road.

  • Education in Watertown, SD

More than a third of Watertown residents (36%) have successfully graduated high school with a diploma, while an additional 15% have not yet made it through their high school years. If you’ve been thinking about going back to school or taking your current level of education further, consider this: those drivers who have advanced degrees are often given lower rates on their auto insurance.

If you want a higher degree but don’t want to commute outside of the city, you have a couple of different choices in Watertown. Mount Marty College is a private Catholic university which operates a satellite campus within the city limits, and the public Lake Area Technical Institute offers students vocational training in a variety of fields.

You shouldn’t enable an undesirable auto insurance company persuade you into buying an auto insurance policy which is not ideal for you. Of course, the actual quantity of data needed in order to calculate your personal risk profile will be frustrating, however comparison websites such as this might help make things much easier. Just submit a few specifics below, and allow us to do the rest.

How We Conducted Our Car Insurance Analysis


South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation – Division of Insurance

South Dakota Department of Labor and Regulation – Division of Banking

Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

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