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Are you in need of cheap auto insurance in Parkersburg, WV? From, you’ll find the cheapest insurance premiums close to you. To find free car insurance prices offered by the top providers now, enter your local zipcode in the quote box in this posting.

cheap car insurance parkersburg

Parkersburg is located right where the Little Kanawha and Ohio Rivers meet within the state of West Virginia. It happens to be the state’s third largest city according to the most recent census, and is also home to the Bureau of Public Debt, which is a subsidiary of the US Treasury Department.

  • Fun fact: Did you know that the famous novel Night of the Hunterwas partially set in 1930’s Parkersburg? Learn more about Parkersburg by clicking here.

Coverage Requirements - Auto Insurance in West Virginia

Driving legally in Parkersburg requires:

Coverage Requirements Most Common
Liability Bodily Injury 20,000/40,000 100,000/300,000
Liability Property Damage 10,000 50,000
Bodily Injury - Motorist Uninsured 20,000/40,000 20,000/40,000
Medical Payments Not required 5,000
Collision Not required 500 deductible
Comprehensive Not required 0 deductible

Yes, it may seem stresssome that West Virginia laws require higher amounts of liability coverage, as well as uninsured motorist coverage to boot. But in the long run, forking out a few extra dollars per month for these coverages could protect you from some very unfortunate financial situations in the future.

It can cost more than $210 each moth for your typical motorist to keep their West Virginia car insurance policy in good standing. Thankfully for Parkersburg drivers, you can lower your monthly rates down to $41/mo* or less by investing with the right company.

Average Monthly Auto Insurance Premiums Legend: Parkersburg Erie Nationwide Hartford Allstate Sentry 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 $20 $34 $45 $46 $60


Erie and Nationwide are offering some of the lowest rates near you right now. However, those rates might not apply to you if you are in a special “risk pool” of drivers. These pools include teenagers, motorists without credit, or people with significant violations on their driving record.

Companies which provide you with auto insurance policies consider multiple elements while calculating quotes, especially gender, driving violations, type of vehicle owned, education, and multiple cars and drivers. Also bear in mind that premiums will alter from company to company. To make sure that you’re still getting the lowest-cost premium, assess cheap Parkersburg auto insurance costs on the web.

Most Auto Insurance Facts to know in Parkersburg

Once your automobile insurance agency gets ready to create your plan, they take multiple issues under consideration. A few of these, just like your car’s make/model or your particular location, usually are improbable to change. Some additional aspects are:

  • Your Zip Code

Some people often wonder why their zip code is so important when it comes to determining their auto insurance rate. The answer is simple: where you live determines how many other vehicles you will be sharing the road with. The higher the population, the more likely an accident will occur, and the more likely you will be to file a claim. Therefore, drivers in densely populated cities are charged higher rates. The population of Parkersburg is 31,492 and also the typical household earnings are $30,672.

Auto Insurance by Zip Code Legend: Charleston Huntington Morgantown Parkersburg Wheeling Erie Nationwide Hartford Allstate Sentry 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 $25 $27 $22 $20 $22 $39 $40 $32 $34 $36 $46 $46 $41 $45 $45 $48 $51 $43 $46 $45 $61 $61 $53 $60 $52


  • Automobile Accidents

The chart below shows that very few significant accidents have happened in Parkersburg in recent years. This is great news, and not just for the obvious benefit of knowing that the roads in your city are safe. Having low accident statistics in your zip code will usually automatically lower your insurance rate.

Deadly Accidents in Parkersburg, WV Legend: Parkersburg Deadly accident count Vehicles involved in Deadly crashes Deadly crashes involving drunk persons Deadlyities Persons involved in Deadly crashes Pedestrians involved in Deadly accidents 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1


  • Car Thieving in Parkersburg

There are two ways in which you can unintentionally make yourself more vulnerable to auto theft: by driving an expensive, flashy car, or by driving a popular make/model. The first is self-explanatory if your vehicle happens to be targeted by high-end car thieves; but popular cars have many interchangeable parts which are in high demand on the black market. This makes them more attractive to potential robbers. The total amount of thieved motor vehicles in dropped substantially down to 105 during the year 2007 in Parkersburg. But this doesn’t mean that you should ignore the potential benefits of adding comprehensive coverage to your policy.

Basic vs. Comprehensive Auto Policy Legend: Basic Coverage Comprehensive Coverage Erie Nationwide Hartford Allstate Sentry 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 $20 $61 $34 $98 $45 $88 $46 $136 $60 $222


  • Your Credit Score

Are you worried about your credit score? Well, West Virginia drivers should be. It can substantially change how much your insurance company feels justified charging you for your monthly rate. But taking steps to improve your credit will also lower your insurance bills over time.

Auto Insurance by Credit Score Legend: Excellent Credit Poor Credit Erie Nationwide Hartford Allstate Sentry 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 $15 $39 $37 $58 $37 $52 $41 $63 $53 $93


  • Your Age

A note to parents: your teenage child’s first years of driving can be a scary but exciting time for the whole family. Regrettably, searching for low rates on Automobile insurance costs can also be harrowing. Good grades will help your young driver get discounts, as well as bundling them onto a family insurance policy.

Auto Policy Age Comparison Legend: 34 Year Old 17 Year Old Erie Nationwide Hartford Allstate Sentry 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 $20 $71 $34 $128 $45 $189 $46 $177 $60 $276


  • Your Driving Record

If you have one or more minor violations on your driving record, you may be in need of “accident forgiveness”. This is a special discount which not all companies offer. But if you shop around and ask the right questions, you could possibly lower your rate to that of someone with a squeaky-clean driving record.

Driving Violations Legend: Perfect Record Minor Speeding Ticket DUI/Reckless Driving Major At-Fault Accident Erie Nationwide Hartford Allstate Sentry 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 $20 $17 $25 $20 $34 $38 $38 $49 $45 $49 $83 $62 $46 $52 $62 $66 $60 $74 $62 $80


  • Your Vehicle

It really isn’t a wise decision to purchase less coverage than your automobile is worth. Because if you don’t have enough coverage, or the right types of coverage, you could be financially responsible for up to 100% of expenses which result as the consequence of an accident, vandalism, or theft.

Car Insurance by Make/Model Legend: 2017 Honda Accord 2012 Porsche Boxster Spyder Erie Nationwide Hartford Allstate Sentry 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 150 $20 $76 $34 $128 $45 $95 $46 $164 $60 Do Not Sell


Minor Car Insurance elements in Parkersburg

Not many people are aware that some or all of the following elements can also have an impact on their rates:

  • Your Marital Status

Married couples aren’t the only people who can bundle their auto policies together, but they can also bundle other forms of insurance for even more discounts. You just have to make sure that your insurance provider also offers multiple insurance packages first.

  • Your Gender

People may have their own assumptions and anecdotes about which gender is a better driver, but in truth, there is no for-sure answer to that question. And this is the main reason why so many insurance companies charge different rates – if they even incorporate gender at all. Not all companies still discriminate in this way.

  • Your Driving Distance to Work

Although commuting around Parkersburg is fairly simple with 10-15 minute trips being the norm, it isn’t uncommon to spend as long as 20 minutes behind the wheel trying to get where you need to be. Around 79% of those who commute do so alone, and using their own vehicle. Another 12% will likely carpool, and less than 3% walk.

Is your vehicle insured as a business vehicle? Well, for tax purposes (or for other legal reasons) this may benefit your bottom line, but as far as your insurance bill goes, it can raise your monthly premium by up to 11-13%. So just keep that extra expense in mind when you are calculating your finances.

  • Your Coverage and Deductibles

Adjusting your deductible is an easy, convenient, and flexible way to have more control over your insurance rates, as well as the amount of coverage you can purchase. Raising your deductible can get you the benefit of forking out lower rates each month, or adding more coverage to your policy. Just make sure you understand the consequences of what forking out a higher deductible means before you adjust it.

  • Education in Parkersburg, WV

High school diplomas are popular in Parkersburg; nearly 37% of the local population has theirs hanging on the wall at home. Another 24% have yet to complete all of their secondary level of education. But did you know that this can have a negative effect in your auto insurance rate? As it turns out, providers have recently started giving lower prices to those motorists with higher levels of education. So if you are planning to go back to school any time soon, you should also plan to spend less on your car insurance once you graduate.

Parkersburg residents have a few different options when it comes to investing in their education. For a public school, consider the satellite campus of West Virginia University located on the outskirts of Parkersburg. There is also Mountain State College, which provides two-year degrees and is a private institution. But if horses are your passion, look no further than Meredith Manor, located in the town of Waverly to the north.

Car insurance is without doubt one of the most critical financial investments you may make as an automobile owner. You must be sure to come across a good, responsible supplier which will follow through on their assurances. A number of car insurance providers happen to be far better at this than the others, and doing a diligent internet hunt will let you split the beneficial from the unfavorable.

How We Conducted Our Car Insurance Analysis


West Virginia Office of the Insurance Commissioner

West Virginia Division of Financial Institutions

Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

Compare rates right away and save lots on your future insurance bill.

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